Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The adventure begins!

While my other half is now safely in the land of haggis, my remaining half is left a mangled mess stateside with 3 more weeks to go.  I mean come on! Who blows a disc coughing?  Oooo I know!! Me of course!  Add that to a still not fully functioning post-surgical right hand.  Did I mention I ACTUALLY got Dequervain's??? Really?
Because my back wasn't enough I also coughed out a rib.  So in the mean time, I get to load up on painkillers and nap. Previously, only a dream for me, now a reality.  Strangely enough when you have you'll whole life to pack up, it's actually not the most convenient way to spend your time.  Alas, an adventure awaits, and Stella and I will make it there somehow, banged and battered as I may be.