Monday, June 30, 2014

Kristi's Visit- Bump buddy for life!

So when news came that I would be getting a special whirlwind visit to Scotland from my QM Bosom Buddies-Kristi & Anne, I quite literally did a happy dance à la Charlotte York when she finds out Big's finally proposed to Carrie. Now for those who know me: I don't do a happy dance.  So THIS was a big event!  To top it off Kristi was expected to be 7-8 months pregnant at her visit, so although I was incredibly happy, I also felt a huge weight of responsibility for mum and the wee one. Disappointingly, Anne had to back out of the trip, but hopefully we can get her here some time before the end of the year. So who knew having 2 kids, a husband, and a full time high power position made it difficult to get out of the house! ;)  But to sum up, Kristi made it here and back in one piece and still as a single being (though I did have a contingency plan in place should she go into early labor).  Despite herself and her bouts of verbal diarrhea through UK Customs, she was still allowed clearance into the country.  We made a long weekend of her trip and tried to see as much as we could in the cold Scottish country.

DUNNOTTAR CASTLE :  I never get tired of this place.

So considering it was February on the North Sea, it wasn't TOO terribly cold, but it was windy. No matter, Stella still hated me and preferred to be with anyone, but me.

Either that or Stella just preferred to be with the keeper of the baby.

A shout out, or homage, to our QM 5th Floor Cashier Mrs. Smith otherwise known as Smitty!

Stella doing her best to be miserable.  Wonder who she gets that from.
Clearly not enjoying the historical markers like her Da.

We stopped at a foot bridge from the 1800s or thereabouts and Kristi spotted this awesome waterfall that just seemed to pop out of the roadside cliff.  Leave it to James however, to burst our bubble and break it to us that it was merely a drainage pipe.

James, genius, scoping out the "waterfall" aka drainage pipe.

Cute little bridge over the River Dee on Royal Deeside

BRAEMAR: Home of the Highland Gathering

So finally make it to Braemar only to come to a snail's pace due to makeshift parking lots (car parks) that just spawn from the literal side of the road.  So the main road connecting East to West Scotland through the Highlands comes to a crawl for a half hour or so.  Nevermind. When in Rome!  We decide to park it on the side as well and explore.

A little deceiving,  but that snow is actually knee deep at road level.

Stella clearly hates it.  She's doing her own "not impressed" look.

Not to mention, pregnant lady kept making me nervous by climbing up hills and rocks in the snow.  I couldn't even keep up with her!  Not sure what mission she was on.
Small road made smaller by the parking lot of cars that set up camp for the ski lifts.

No idea these are here any other time of the year.  They quite literally spring up once the snow packs.

Stella had a blast, despite what the pictures might portray.  I had a blast! And hopefully Kristi had a decent time at the minimum.  While I was thrilled at the opportunity to move to Scotland when it came up, I knew it was going to mean a huge sacrifice in leaving my QM family.  Having my bump buddy here even for a few days was a tremendous uplift.  But I'm gonna need more of ya to visit soon. I'll be waiting on Anne so I can reprise my happy dance.

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