Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Summer in Scotland & St. Andrew's

It's not summer as you know it!  Sunshine, sand, and surf is the typical Texan summer we were used to or rather had endured for a lifetime until moving to Scotland.  The sun does not go down on Scotland (at least not in the summer).  No joke.  I woke up at 330am for a geriatric bathroom break thinking it was about time to wake the munchkin, only to realize that it wasn't quite morning-no thanks to the bright light shining in through the window.  Yes, there is technically a sun rise and sunset, however the light STILL SHINES ON! 

We were following the World Cup and we were struck by the fact that while we were watching at 11pm in Scotland with sun still shining through our windows, it was dark in Brazil which is 5 hours BEHIND us.  It's such an odd thing to experience, and quite frankly, before moving here, we hadn't even thought about it much.  Sure we'd seen the movie, Insomnia in which Alaska endures daylight for months on end, but we just forgot to apply that to our move to Scotland.

Needless to say James gets to play golf a bit more in the summer purely because there's light to play until midnight.

sporting her England jersey

Stella's swim class-Turtle Tots

Roughly 10pm looking out our back window in town.

Close to 11pm in mid summer
So apparently it's not as big a deal to play the St. Andrews Course(s) in Scotland as it is back home or as it is at least to James.  Either way, it was a BIG DEAL for James not only to get know a member and get an invite, but to actually get a tee time as well. 

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